Monoids as a tool for writing composable and reusable programs

agda, monoids, algebra, functional-programming, dependent-types

This time I’ll ramble about monoids! The reason I like monoids is that they are relatively simple mathemically, but immensly useful in programming. Every programmer has used a number of monoid structures thruought their careers either knowingly or not. The goal of this post is to show that using ideas from mathematics can be useful and even practical.

I will use the Agda programming language / proof assistant to keep us honest. Mathematical structures like monoid usually come equipped with a set of properties or laws that they should obey, and the proof assistant capabilities of Agda let us precisely encode these properties.

This document is a typechecked literal Agda document. In fact all the definitions used in this module are hyperlinks to their definitions. You can for example click the sumbol Data.Nat.Properties in the code block below to see the standard-library module Data.Nat.Properties. It is common for an Agda module to begin with a bunch of module headers and imports, this one is no exception :-).

{-# OPTIONS --safe --guardedness #-}
module Monoids where

open import Level renaming (suc to lsuc)
open import Function using (_∘_; id; flip; const)
open import Data.Nat using (_+_; _*_; _≤ᵇ_; )
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-assoc; +-identityˡ; +-identityʳ; *-assoc; *-identityˡ; *-identityʳ)
open import Data.Bool using (Bool; true; false; _∧_; _∨_)
open import Data.Bool.Properties using (∧-assoc; ∨-assoc; ∧-identityˡ; ∧-identityʳ; ∨-identityˡ; ∨-identityʳ)
open import Data.List using (List; _∷_; []; map; foldl; _++_; zip)
open import Data.List.Properties using (++-assoc; ++-identityˡ; ++-identityʳ)
open import Data.Product using (Σ; proj₁; proj₂; _,_; _×_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (refl; _≡_; sym)

One neat feature of Agda is it’s variable blocks. They let you generalize over variables in types. In practice a variable block let’s you omit a bunch of detail from definitions since you can directly use the variables defined in the variable block. I think this will make since once you see it in action.

private variable
   ℓ₂ : Level
  A : Set 
  B : Set ℓ₂

If we look at the definition of a monoid, we will find that a monoid is a semigroup with an identity element. From this it is reasonable to conclude that we should first define what is a semigroup. Luckily semigroups are a relatively simple structure.

Semigroup definition

A semigroup is a set \(S\) together with a binary operation \(★\) that satisfies the associative property.

\[ ∀ x y z ∈ S. (x ★ y) ★ z = x ★ (y ★ z) \]

To gain some intuition we should try to think of some examples. It can be difficult to gain insight to these often quite abstract mathematical ideas without concrete examples. That is why I think it’s a great idea to always try to come up with some examples when you see one of these definitions. Some examples of semigroups from the top of my head include the natural numbers with the addition (\(+\)) operation, or (ℕ,+). Natural numbers with multiplication (\(*\)) also form a semigroup. You can veryfy in you head that the following equations hold.

\[ ∀ x y z ∈ ℕ. (x + y) + z = x + (y + z) \] \[ ∀ x y z ∈ ℕ. (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) \]

Other examples include (String,++) where ++ is string concatenation, (List, ++) where ++ is list concatenation, (Bool,∨) where means or and (Bool,∧) where means and.

Lets encode this in agda. The beautiful thing about agda is that the encoding is pretty much 1:1 to the math above.

level-of : { : Level}  Set   Level
level-of {} _ = 

record is-semigroup (_★_ : A  A  A) : Set (level-of A) where
    assoc :  x y z  (x  y)  z  x  (y  z)

record Semigroup (A : Set ) : Set  where
  infixl 5 _★_
    _★_ : A  A  A
    has-is-semigroup : is-semigroup _★_

  open is-semigroup has-is-semigroup public

A couple of familiar semigroups to programmers are the and operators from boolean algebra. We can show that they conform to our definition of a semigroup

∧-semigroup : Semigroup Bool
∧-semigroup = record { _★_ = λ x y  x  y 
                     ; has-is-semigroup = record { assoc = ∧-assoc } }

∨-semigroup : Semigroup Bool
∨-semigroup = record { _★_ = λ x y  x  y 
                     ; has-is-semigroup = record { assoc = ∨-assoc } }

Now that we have defined what it means to be a semigroup, we can graduate to monoids. Lets recall the definition first.

Monoid definition

A monoid is a set \(S\) together with a binary operation \(★\) that satisfies the following properties.


\[ ∀ x y z ∈ S. (x ★ y) ★ z = x ★ (y ★ z) \]

Identity element

\[ ∃ e ∈ S. ∀ x. e ★ a = a ★ e = a \]

I again encourage you to think of examples, like we did after the semigrou definition. Do you think the examples I gave of semigroups are also monoids?

Again, it is straight forward to translate this to agda.

record is-monoid (_★_ : A  A  A) (ε : A) : Set (level-of A) where
    has-is-semigroup : is-semigroup _★_

  open is-semigroup has-is-semigroup public

    identityˡ :  x  ε  x  x
    identityʳ :  x  x  ε  x

record Monoid (A : Set ) : Set  where
  infixl 5 _★_
    ε : A
    _★_ : A  A  A
    has-is-monoid : is-monoid _★_ ε

  open is-monoid has-is-monoid public

We can show that and are monoids!

module _ where

  open is-monoid
  open Semigroup
  open Monoid

  ∧-monoid : Monoid Bool
  ∧-monoid = record { ε = true 
                    ; _★_ = _∧_ 
                    ; has-is-monoid = 
                      record { has-is-semigroup = has-is-semigroup ∧-semigroup
                             ; identityˡ = ∧-identityˡ
                             ; identityʳ = ∧-identityʳ } }

  ∨-monoid : Monoid Bool
  ε ∨-monoid = false
  _★_ ∨-monoid = _∨_
  has-is-semigroup (has-is-monoid ∨-monoid) = has-is-semigroup ∨-semigroup
  identityˡ (has-is-monoid ∨-monoid) = ∨-identityˡ
  identityʳ (has-is-monoid ∨-monoid) = ∨-identityʳ

I’m using proofs such as ∨-identityʳ from the standard-library to keep the length of this post reasonable. Note that you can construct records in agda in two ways, which are presented above. ∧-monoid is defined using the record constructor syntax. ∨-monoid uses something called copatterns, which let’s us define the fields of a record as separate declarations in a similar way that we would give different cases for a function.

At this point you might not be convinced on the usefulness of all this. Let me try to change that by showcasing a bunch of commonly used monoids and operations that can be built up from those.

A very common pattern when coding in a functional style is mapping followed by folding. This pattern is also known as MapReduce in the distributed computing community. Let’s see an example.

numbers : List 
numbers = 1  2  3  4  5  6  []

all≤5? : List   Bool
all≤5? = foldl _∧_ true  map (_≤ᵇ 5)

any>10? : List   Bool
any>10? = foldl _∨_ false  map (11 ≤ᵇ_)

_ : all≤5? numbers  false
_ = refl

_ : any>10? (11  numbers)  true
_ = refl

We can easily generalize this notion of mapping and then folding by a clever use of the structure provided by a monoid.

foldMapList :  Monoid B   (A  B)  List A  B
foldMapList  mon  f [] = ε
  where open Monoid mon
foldMapList  mon  f (x  xs) = f x  foldMapList f xs
  where open Monoid mon

module _ where
  instance _ = ∧-monoid

  all? : (A  Bool)  List A  Bool
  all? = foldMapList

module _ where
  instance _ = ∨-monoid

  any? : (A  Bool)  List A  Bool
  any? = foldMapList

_ : all? (_≤ᵇ 5) numbers  false
_ = refl

_ : any? (11 ≤ᵇ_) (11  numbers)  true
_ = refl

Pretty neat? I think so! We can do other cool things too, we can for example flatten nested lists.

module _ where

  open is-semigroup
  open is-monoid
  open Semigroup
  open Monoid

  []-semigroup : Semigroup (List A)
  _★_ []-semigroup = _++_
  assoc (has-is-semigroup []-semigroup) = ++-assoc

  []-monoid : Monoid (List A)
  ε []-monoid = []
  _★_ []-monoid = _++_
  has-is-semigroup (has-is-monoid []-monoid) = has-is-semigroup []-semigroup
  identityˡ (has-is-monoid []-monoid) = ++-identityˡ
  identityʳ (has-is-monoid []-monoid) = ++-identityʳ

module _ where
  instance _ = []-monoid

  flatten : List (List A)  List A
  flatten = foldMapList id

_ : flatten ((1  2  [])  (3  4  [])  [])  1  2  3  4  []
_ = refl

Or take sums and products. Excuse the mostly boring semigroup and monoid instance declarations.

module _ where

  open is-semigroup
  open is-monoid
  open Semigroup
  open Monoid

  +-semi : Semigroup 
  _★_ +-semi = _+_
  assoc (has-is-semigroup +-semi) = +-assoc

  +-0 : Monoid 
  ε +-0 = 0
  _★_ +-0 = _+_
  has-is-semigroup (has-is-monoid +-0) = has-is-semigroup +-semi
  identityˡ (has-is-monoid +-0) = +-identityˡ
  identityʳ (has-is-monoid +-0) = +-identityʳ

  *-semi : Semigroup 
  _★_ *-semi = _*_
  assoc (has-is-semigroup *-semi) = *-assoc

  *-1 : Monoid 
  ε *-1 = 1
  _★_ *-1 = _*_
  has-is-semigroup (has-is-monoid *-1) = has-is-semigroup *-semi
  identityˡ (has-is-monoid *-1) = *-identityˡ
  identityʳ (has-is-monoid *-1) = *-identityʳ

module _ where
  instance _ = +-0

  sum : List   
  sum = foldMapList id

_ : sum numbers  21
_ = refl

module _ where
  instance _ = *-1

  product = foldMapList id

_ : product numbers  720
_ = refl

An interesting monoid is the dual of some other monoid.

module _ (mon : Monoid A) where
  open Monoid mon

  dual : Monoid A
  Monoid.ε dual = ε
  Monoid._★_ dual = flip _★_
  is-semigroup.assoc (is-monoid.has-is-semigroup (has-is-monoid dual))
    x y z = sym (assoc z y x)
  is-monoid.identityˡ (has-is-monoid dual) = identityʳ
  is-monoid.identityʳ (has-is-monoid dual) = identityˡ

reverse : List A  List A
reverse = foldMapList  dual ([]-monoid)  (_∷ [])

_ : reverse numbers  (6  5  4  3  2  1  [])
_ = refl

Another example of a monoid built of other monoids is the cartetesian product or _×_.

module _ (ma : Monoid A) (mb : Monoid B) where

  open Monoid  ... 

    _ = ma
    _ = mb

  ×-semigroup : Semigroup (A × B)
  (×-semigroup Semigroup.★ (a , b)) (a₁ , b₁) = a  a₁ , b  b₁
  is-semigroup.assoc (Semigroup.has-is-semigroup ×-semigroup) 
    (a₁ , b₁) (a₂ , b₂) (a₃ , b₃) rewrite assoc a₁ a₂ a₃ rewrite assoc b₁ b₂ b₃ = refl

  ×-monoid : Monoid (A × B)
  Monoid.ε ×-monoid = ε , ε
  (×-monoid Monoid.★ (a , b)) (a₁ , b₁) = a  a₁ , b  b₁
  is-monoid.has-is-semigroup (Monoid.has-is-monoid ×-monoid) =
    Semigroup.has-is-semigroup ×-semigroup
  is-monoid.identityˡ (Monoid.has-is-monoid ×-monoid) (a , b) 
    rewrite identityˡ a rewrite identityˡ b = refl
  is-monoid.identityʳ (Monoid.has-is-monoid ×-monoid) (a , b)
    rewrite identityʳ a rewrite identityʳ b = refl

module _ where
  instance _ = ×-monoid +-0 *-1

  sum×prod : List ( × )  ( × )
  sum×prod = foldMapList id

_ : sum×prod (zip numbers numbers)  (21 , 720)
_ = refl

Up until now we have only worked on the List type. This is getting a bit boring and redundant… On top of it being boring it might make you second guess the generality of this approach. Can we only work on lists? As you might guess this is not the case! We can define a more general structure Foldable and generalize this notion to arbitrary data structures.

Foldable : {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level}  (ℓᶠ : Level)  (Set ℓ₁  Set ℓᶠ)  Set (lsuc ℓ₁  lsuc ℓ₂  ℓᶠ)
Foldable {ℓ₂ = ℓ₂} _ F =  {A} {B : Set ℓ₂}   Monoid B   (A  B)  F A  B

foldableList : Foldable {} {ℓ₂} _ List
foldableList = foldMapList

module _ where
  instance _ = +-0

  length : List A  
  length = foldableList (const 1)

_ : length numbers  6
_ = refl

Foldable binary trees

I claimed that we can foldMap over other structures than List. Let’s define a simple binary tree data structure and show that we can use the same machinery on binary trees as we have been using on lists.

data BT (A : Set ) : Set  where
  empty : BT A
  branch : BT A  A  BT A  BT A

pattern leaf a = branch empty a empty

foldableBT : Foldable {0ℓ} {} 0ℓ BT
foldableBT  mon  f empty = ε
  where open Monoid mon
foldableBT  mon  f (branch l x r) =
  foldableBT f l  f x  foldableBT f r
  where open Monoid mon

tree : BT 
tree = branch (branch (leaf 20) 30 (leaf 40)) 10 (leaf 50)

module _ where
  instance _ = +-0

  t-sum : BT   
  t-sum = foldableBT id

  size : BT   
  size = foldableBT (const 1)

_ : t-sum tree  150
_ = refl

_ : size tree  5
_ = refl

In fact at this point we have gained enough generality to turn any Foldable to a List!

toList :  { F}  Foldable  F  F A  List A
toList f = f  []-monoid  (_∷ [])

_ : toList foldableBT tree  20  30  40  10  50  []
_ = refl

I hope this write up convined you that monoid is a useful part of any programmers toolkit. There’s so much more to talk about monoids, but I think this is enough for now.

Thanks for reading and see you next time!