Monoid Homomorphisms

agda, monoids, algebra, functional-programming, dependent-types, monoid-homomorphisms

In the previous had a brief exploration in the land of monoids. Today I would like to continue from where we left off.

Previously we defined the meaning of a monoid and saw a bunch of examples. Now we will consider how monoids interact with each other, or weather they do at all? In particular we are interested in finding these things mathematicians like to call homomorphisms or structure-preserving maps. Basically these are just maps between some algebraic structure such as a monoid or a vector space that behave nicely. We will soon see what exactly nicely means in the context of monoid homomorphisms.

Let’s get the usual Agda boilerplate out of our way.

{-# OPTIONS --safe --guardedness #-}
module MonoidHomomorphisms where

open import Level
open import Data.List as List
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (refl; _≡_)

-- from previous post
open import Monoids

private variable
   : Level
  A : Set 

Now we must define what exactly it means for a map between two monoids to behave nicely.


A homomorphisms between two monoids \((F,★)\) and \((T,∙)\) is a function \(f : F \rightarrow T\) such that the following properties hold:

\[ f(ε_{F}) = ε_{T} \]

\[ \forall x y ∈ F. f(x ★ y) = f(x) ∙ f(y) \]

where \(ε_{F}\) and \(ε_{T}\) are the identity elements of \(T\) and \(F\) respectively.

The first property says that the function \(f\) should preserve identities. The second one says that it doesn’t matter in which order you apply the function \(f\) related to the multiplication of the monoids.

Now we can encode this structure in Agda.

record Monoid-Hom 
       {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {F : Set ℓ₁} {T : Set ℓ₂}
       (a : Monoid F) (b : Monoid T) (f : F  T) : Set (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) where
    module From = Monoid a
    module To = Monoid b

    ε-homo : f From.ε  To.ε
    ★-homo :  (x y : F)  f (x From.★ y)  f x To.★ f y

open Monoid-Hom


Suppose you need to write a program to find the total count of elements from a large collection of lists.

E.g. find the total count of elements from the following lists.

[1,2,3] , [4,5,6] , [7,8,9] , [10,11,12] , ...

I can think of two different approaches to this problem:

  1. Combine all lists to a single list and take count of this list.
  2. Take the count of each list and the sum these counts together.

These approaches should lead to the same result, but are computationally quite different. One of these approaches starts to sound a lot nicer once you realize that list concatenation runs in linear \(O(n)\) time. This would lead to a quadratic algorithm since we would be concatenating a linear number of lists! After this realization we conclude we should first find the counts of all the lists and the add these counts together. But how can we be sure we will end up with the same result? After all these two algorithms are very dirrefent computationally. Well it turns out that we can be sure that these algorithm choices are equivalent because length is a monoid homomorphisms between []-monoid and +-0!

length-homo : Monoid-Hom ([]-monoid {A = A}) +-0 List.length
ε-homo length-homo = refl
★-homo length-homo [] y = refl
★-homo length-homo (x  xs) y rewrite ★-homo length-homo xs y = refl

This example showed how one can use monoid homomorphisms as a way to find equivalent ways to perform a computation. This is important because in many cases these different ways can drastically differ in their time and space complexities.

This is all I had in mind for today, I hope you found monoid homomorphisms interesting or even useful.

Thanks for reading and see you next time!